Sunday, May 28, 2017

It's not just about working hard and pulling more and more weights. Use my proper techniques and work smarter.


Getting Stronger

If you ask me how to get stronger and muscular, I will not suggest you just one burdened workout, but it's a complete plan which I will discuss here. Working on the body without knowledge or plans will ultimately hurt you and make your body weaker than before. What you have to do to get stronger is to stick on your plan and tone your body slowly either working out at gym or home. Sometimes it's quick and sometimes it takes time. So, it's safe for you to grow and tone your muscles slowly and naturally.
So, are you ready are you ready to find out limitations of your body? If you have tried some exercises which didn't work its time to make some changes to build muscle and get stronger.  It's very important to set your goals and challenge yourself, you have to tone each and every muscle, take proper nutrition. Although it takes time and effort it works.

Using Perfect Workout Strategy

Only this step is responsible for your failure or success. I have seen many silly boys trying too much bodybuilding exercises badly, but there is always a difference between a boy and strong man. Believe me getting stronger is a skill and it involves an understanding of mind muscle connections. 
For example, if you practice a technique again and again and master it, your nervous system will order your muscles to work out perfectly.

Training To Failure Strategy

When your aim is to gain strength your workouts must not be easy. Actually, in the start you should perform weight lifting, pulling and pushing weights until you are tired. If you are not tired after each workout it means you are not putting proper stress on your muscles. 
Training to failure term is used by bodybuilding experts which means pushing yourself to a maximum extent while doing a workout until you are unable to perform reps. This strategy puts more stress on your muscles to break and rebuild.

Increase Weight With time

When your body adopts to lift certain amount of weight. It's time to add more weight to continue challenging your body. Now it depends on you when to add more weight or simply when you feel easy to lift that weight just increase it. By increasing weights I never mean to increase 50 pounds at once, add 5 pounds at each step.
Remember if you don't attempt to add weight to the bar at every training session, then your body has nothing to adapt to.

Warm Up With Resistance Training

Some exercises like running and swimming are very good for cardio and blood circulation. But again weight lifting is fundamental part which makes you stronger. Cardio exercises should be performed at a small extent to warm up. 

Train every muscle group

In my training sessions I have seen some people working out only one specific muscle group. The best idea is to workout on each muscle group in your body. For example if you have a strong core it will help you bench press more weight with your arms. Being able to lift heavier weights with your arms will give your legs a better workout. All the muscle groups in your body work together, and it's important to give them equal attention.
Beware don't workout on all muscle group on same day. Distribute days, for example if you focus on your arms one day, next day give break to your arms and workout on core or legs. This important for healing and preventing injury to your muscles.

Take Adequate Rest

Muscles aren't build during your workouts they are built when you take rest. It's essential for rebuilding and recovering all small injuries to take adequate rest. 
On your "off" days, it's fine to go for a run, a bike ride, or do some other type of exercise to keep yourself moving and relax your muscles.

Exercises For All Muscle Groups

After the strategy you should master these exercises which I have described below. Remember its the only answer of how to get stronger. If you do not master these exercises you will fail.


 The basic squat, and its many variations, is an excellent exercise for building muscle in the legs, gluts and abs. The simple motion of bending your knees to drop your body toward the ground while keeping your back upright, then raising yourself up again is just as effective as using fancy exercise equipment to work out the same muscles. Try the following squat variations:
The basic squat. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your back upright. Bend your knees and lower your butt until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Raise back up to starting position, with your knees aligned vertically above your feet. You can hold dumbbells or a barbell to make the exercise more challenging; aim to do 3 sets of 10 squats.
The box squat. Stand in front of an exercise box or chair. Hold either dumbbells or a barbell at your chest. Lower yourself to a sitting position, hold for a moment, then raise back up to standing position.
The back squat. For this one you'll need a squat rack, which has a bar connected to weights that you move as you squat. Stand under the squat bar and grip the bar with your palms facing outward. As you squat, pull the bar with you either behind your head or at your chest. Squat until your thighs are parallel with the ground, then move back to starting position.

Push ups and chin ups

Lifting and pulling your own weight can go a long way toward building muscle. The basic push up and chin up are invaluable exercises you can do with very little equipment. Increase their difficulty by adding reps or affixing weights to your legs. Do these simple, effective exercises to work out your biceps and triceps, as well as your core.
The push up. Stretch out face-down on the floor or an exercise mat. Place your palms on either side of your body next to your armpits. Use your arms to lift your body so that your shoulders, stomach and legs are no longer touching the ground; only your toes and your hands should be touching it. Lower yourself to the ground and repeat to failure.
The chin up. For this exercise you'll need a chin up bar. Stand below the bar and grip the bar with your palms facing outward. Use your arms to lift your body toward the bar until your chin is above the top of the bar, crossing your feet behind you to keep them off of the ground. Lower yourself until your arms are straight, then repeat to failure.


Dead-lifting is simply bending over to lift a weight, straightening up, then bending back over. It's an excellent exercise for your hamstrings, abs, and back muscles. With dead-lifting, it's important to use the proper form and the right amount of weight for your strength level - otherwise, you might strain your back. Try these exercises:
The barbell deadlift. Stand in front of a barbell loaded with the amount of weight you can lift 10-15 or so times before failure occurs. Bend at the knees and grip the barbell with both hands. Stand upright, then bend your knees and repeat. Gradually increase the amount of weight and decrease the amount of reps as you build strength.
The straight leg dead-lift. Stand in front of an exercise ball, a barbell, or a set of dumbbells. Keeping your legs straight, bend at the waist and grip the weights with both hands. Holding the weights straight in front of your body, straighten up to a standing position; your arms should be stretched out in front of you holding the weights. Lower the weights down to starting position and repeat. Begin with a limited range of motion and slowly build up to the full dead-lift.

Bench press

Bench pressing is an important way to gain strength in your arms, and pectoral muscles. To bench weight, you'll need a barbell and an exercise bench. Load the barbell with the amount of weight you can bench about 8 times per set. Slowly add weights if possible in a period of time. Use the following technique to bench press the weight:
Lie back on the exercise bench. Your knees should be bent over the edge, and your feet should be resting comfortably on ground.
Start with the barbell close to your chest, then lift it toward the ceiling, straightening your arms.
Bend your arms to bring the barbell back to your chest, then repeat.
Rack the bar and add more weight for the next set.

Planks and crunches

If you're looking for strength-building exercises that don't require equipment, planks and crunches are for you. These exercises focus on your abs, and they're easy to do anytime, anywhere.
Do the plank. Lie face-down on the floor with your elbows bent and your palms next to your armpits. Lift your body upward as though you were going to do a pushup. Keep your arms straight and hold the position for 30 seconds or more before lowering back to the ground, then rest and repeat.
Do crunches. Lie on the floor with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. "Crunch" your body into a semi-seated position by using your ab muscles to lift your head and shoulders forward, keeping your arms crossed over your chest. Lower your head back toward the floor, then repeat. You can increase the difficulty of this exercise by holding a dumbbell close to your chest.

Change Towards a Healthy Lifestyle

Your lifestyle has a much bigger effect on your muscle building. For example if you want to get stronger but avoiding calories and proteins will make you more and more weak if you workout. So below are some tips for you.

Eat More and More Calories

Workouts burn your calories. It's much important to eat sufficient amount of calories to provide fuel for your muscle growth. But not all foods are good you can eat loads of fruits and vegetables, fish, eggs, and lean meat, whole grains, and healthy oils and fats and avoid sugar, processed flours, salty snack foods, fried foods, and foods packaged with additives and preservatives.

Stay Hydrated

Drink at least two liters of water every day to make your body hydrated. You must avoid pre-packed energy drinks. As their replacement try home made lemon juice.

Creatine supplements

Creatine is an amino acid that is naturally produced by the body to make muscles bigger and stronger. If you take the correct dosage, you may see improvements in your muscle tone more quickly.
Creatine comes in powdered form, and must be mixed with water in order to activate.


So this was the answer to your question "How To get Stronger". I have discussed all the important things for you to be stronger like Hercules. You can suggest or criticize me in comments section below.

Friday, May 26, 2017

As food choices of every pregnant woman effect the growth and development of a fair baby. Its also discovered that it effects the brain development of baby too. All these eating habits from green leafs to fish or working out in gym develops the brain of your baby. According to the deputy medical director of the March of Dimes Foundation, Diane Ashton, the development of your child’s brain and future intelligence can be affected by what you do during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, the eating habits of women change and go to a maximum extent. The majority of parents always dream to have a smart and fair baby. 

Here I will first discus my Indian experience which I have learned from my last visit to India. Indians use some home remedies during pregnancy to have a fair baby. After that, I will discuss some foods during pregnancy for a fair baby.


Diet Plan During Pregnancy For Fair Baby

Following foods are worth discussing if you want a fair baby. Make use of them in your during pregnancy diet plan for a fair baby.


It believed that Saffron milk if taken during pregnancy it improves the complexion of growing child and makes the baby fair.



Yeah, one older grandma told me that coconut and coconut water makes the baby fair if taken during pregnancy. She also showed me results which I have shown in photos below.



The major constituent of milk is Calcium which makes the bones of baby stronger. So to make you baby healthier you must intake milk during pregnancy. It also believed that milk is complete diet and helps in problems of the stomach during pregnancy.


It also believed in India that if eggs are consumed during the second trimester of pregnancy it will help you to get a fair baby. Secondly, eggs contain lysine which is responsible for growth and development of fetus also.


If a woman wants a fair child its recommended in India that she must take soaked almonds. Almonds improve complexion of your baby but makes him/her smarter too. So almonds must be consumed during pregnancy for a fair baby.


Oranges contain Vitamin C which works as an antioxidant for our bodies so oranges and other citrus fruits must be consumed for a healthier baby.

Clinical Suggestions

So these were the Indian natural foods and remedies now I will discuss the proper diet plan during pregnancy for a fair baby.

1- Parental Supplements

Parental supplements consist of vitamin B complex, Vitamin C and Vitamin D and Folic acid. Folic acid performs an important role in brain development of a baby. Vitamin B12 helps in the formation of RBC's, Vitamin C synthesizes collagen and vitamin D enhances growth on bones. You can take readily made tablets of parental supplements because foods may disturb your stomach.

2- Omega-3

If you want a smarter baby taking omega-3 fatty acids is very essential because it helps in the production of neurons. The good source of omega-3 is fish, eggs, walnuts, red meat, and cereals. Always be cautious while eating fish. You must always avoid swordfish, tilefish, and shark because they have high mercury levels.

3- Citrus fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetable are full of anti-oxidants which defend against free radicals. Free radicals may damage brain tissues of your baby. As the name is concerned there is a huge source of fruits and vegetables.

4- Iron

During pregnancy, you have to double your intake of iron. Iron helps in the transport of oxygen to the baby. If in case you are iron deficient it may affect the IQ level of your baby and its growth too. So, for iron, you must consult your doctor to test it and prescribe you accurate dosage of it.

5- Protein

Protein is very important for the formation of new cell and hormones for you baby. You must increase you protein dosage up to 10grams per day. You can do it simply by eating yogurt, beans, and beef.

Avoid Alcohol

If you consume alcohol during pregnancy your baby may develop behavior problems, learning disabilities, attention deficit disorder, hyperactivity and aggressive behavior. There is no safe amount of alcohol during pregnancy so better to avoid it.

Stay Away From Bacteria

Bacteria may harm the mental and physical growth of your baby so always stay away from bacteria. Keep your home and kitchen clean and always try to eat at home.

Avoid Junk Food

Taking junk food may disturb diet and nutrient requirement of the fetus and will result in a weak and unfair baby so for having a fair baby avoid junk food during pregnancy.

Thursday, May 18, 2017


Everyone who wants to gain some mass and make some muscles, one of an important thing for them is best bodybuilding exercises to follow them and become stronger. There are a lot of bodybuilding exercises available so I will help you to choose best one for you. Read more.

It really matters when someone is trying to make some real muscle mass. There are 100's of bodybuilding workouts which you can follow, so to choose perfect exercises which suit you is the fastest way to build muscle.

One most important thing is you must understand the factors which affect on the growth of lean muscle. A program that utilizes these principles will often fare better than one that doesn't.

Let us have a detailed look at some most popular muscle building exercises. 

Related Some Unbelievable Facts About Electric Muscle Stimulation


The squat is performed by squatting down with a weight held over the upper back below the neck and getting up straight again. This is a compound workout that also takes the glutes to a lesser extent, the hamstring tendon*, calves, and the lower back. Lifting bags is occasionally employed to help support the lower back. The exercising weight squat is among 'The Big Three' powerlifting workouts, along with the deadlift and the bench press.

Leg press

The leg press is executed when seated by pushing an exercising weight absent from the body with the feet. It's a compound exercise that also affects the glutes to a small extent, the hamstrings and the calves. Overloading the machine could leave a severe trauma whenever the sled moves uncontrollably towards the trainer.

The deadlift is performed by squatting down and lifting a free weight off the floor with the hand till standing up straight again. Grips can be face down or defend on one hand down and one hand upward, to prevent falling. The face shouldn't be utilized as this puts unnecessary stress on the internal arms. This is a compound work out that as well involves the glutes, lower back, lats, trapezius (neck) and, to a lesser extent, the hamstrings and the calves. Lifting bangs are often used to help support the lower back. The deadlift has two common strains, the Romanian deadlift, and the straight-leg-deadlift. Each target the lower back, glutes and the hamstrings differently.

Leg extension

The leg extension is performed when sitting by raising an exercising weight out ahead of the body with the feet. It's an isolation exercise for the quadriceps. Overtraining can cause patellar tendinitis.The legs extension serves to also tone up the muscles around the knees and is a workout that's loved by physical therapists.

Wall Sit

The wall sit also called a static squat, are executed by placing one's back against a wall with feet shoulder width aside, and bringing down the hips till the knees and hips are both at right angles. The position is held as long as doable. The workout is used to tone up the quadriceps. Opposed to former advice in this segment, this workout isn't good for people with knee joint problems as the knees suffer almost of the load, especially while they're held at right angles (90 degrees).

Leg curl

The leg curl is performed while lying face down on a bench, by raising a weight with the feet towards the buttocks. This is an isolation exercise for the hamstrings.


The snatch is one of the two current Olympic weightlifting events (the other being the clean and jerk). The essence of the event is to lift a barbell from the platform to locked arms overhead in a smooth continuous movement. The barbell is pulled as high as the lifter can manage (typically to mid [ chest] height) (the pull) at which point the barbell is flipped overhead. With relatively light weights (as in the "power snatch") locking of the arms may not require rebinding the knees. However, as performed in contests, the weight is always heavy enough to demand that the lifter receives the bar in a squatting position, while at the same time flipping the weight so it moves in an arc directly overhead to locked arms. When the lifter is secure in this position, he rises (overhead squat), completing the lift.


A pull-up is an upper body compound pulling exercise. Although it can be performed with any grip, in recent years some have used the term to refer more specifically to a pull-up performed with a palms-forward position.

The term chin-up, traditionally referring to a pull-up with the chin brought over the top of a bar, was used in the 1980s to refer to a palms-away (overhand/pronated) grip, with a palms-toward (underhand/supinated) grip being called a "reverse-grip" chin-up.


push-up (or press-up) is a common calisthenics exercise performed in a prone position by raising and lowering the body using the arms. Push-ups exercise the pectoral muscles, triceps, and anterior deltoids, with ancillary benefits to the rest of the deltoids, serratus anteriorcoracobrachialis and the midsection as a whole. Push-ups are a basic exercise used in civilian athletic training or physical education and commonly in military physical training. They are also a common form of punishment used in the military, school sport, or in some martial arts disciplines.

Deciding your Bodybuilding Exercises

Keep these exercises in mind always so you can make the decision that what exercise is best to build your body.

Keep in mind that you have to set a program which combines different bodybuilding exercises. Doing this will enhance your muscle growth.


Friday, May 12, 2017


Electric Muscle Stimulation (EMS), sometimes also called neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES), is the elicitation of contracting the muscle. EMS uses electric impulses. Electrical muscle stimulation has become too much popular in last five years. It is easily utilized as a strength training tool, especially for bodybuilders and athletes. Doctors also use Electrical muscle stimulation as a restoration tool for patients who cannot move. 

Basically, EMS works on impulses which are generated by a device and are delivered through electrodes on the skin where targeted muscles are located. Those electrodes are basically pads that adhere to the skin. The impulses mimic the action potential that comes from the central nervous system, causing the muscles to contract. The use of EMS has been cited by sports scientists as a complementary technique for sports training, and published research is available on the results obtained. In the United States, EMS devices are regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Read Also Build Muscle With Pushups 10 Super Easy Secrets
One possible reason is that when you maximally contract a muscle, at the best, only 30% of all your muscle fibers are in a state of contraction. The other 70% are dormant and awaiting recruitment when the contracting fibers fatigue. With Electric Muscle Stimulation you will be able to potentially electrically stimulate these resting muscle fibers to improve their strength. Clinically, EMS appears to be more effective when the muscles are very weak and you have trouble doing normal anti-gravity workouts.

Uses Of Electric Muscle Stimulation

There are certain very important uses of EMS. Electric Muscle Simulation is widely used in many fields including strength training.

Weight loss

FDA rejected all devices which claimed to lose weight. EMS devices burn calories and work on muscles. In electrical muscle simulation, most of the body is involved in physical exercise. Several Muscles, including heart and respiratory system, are also engaged. However, some authors imply that EMS can lead to exercise since a person toning his/her muscles with electrical stimulation is more likely afterward to participate in sporting activities as the body is ready, fit, willing and able to take on physical activity.


"Strength training by NMES does boost nervous and muscular adaptations that are mutual to the familiar effects of voluntary resistance training". This statement is part of the editorial summary of a 2010 world congress of researchers on the subject. Additional studies on practical applications, which came after that Congress, pointed out important factors that make the difference between effective and ineffective EMS. This in retrospect explains why in the past some researchers and practitioners obtained results that others could not reproduce.
Also, as published by reputable universities, EMS causes adaptation, i.e. training, of muscle fibers. Because of the characteristics of skeletal muscle fibers, different types of fibers can be activated to differing degrees by different types of EMS, and the modifications induced depend on the pattern of EMS activity. These patterns, referred to as protocols or programs, will cause a different response from contraction of different fiber types. Some programs will improve fatigue resistance, i.e. endurance, others will increase force production

Tuesday, May 9, 2017


Your gym instructor might be asking you for several exercises. Those also including push-ups. But he never had told you to build muscle with pushups only. Normally push-ups are known for the strength of arms, but believe me its king of workouts. Push-ups will also build your core and lower back. Sounds easy. It's not gonna be easy as you thought. 

According to experts of, if you want best results you must keep yourself properly aligned. If you have learned all basics, you must set new goals and challenges. For example, you can increase reps or increase the weight of your dumbbells. But if you want to build muscle with pushups, try my perfect methods.

Building Muscle With push-ups

There are too many ways of performing push-ups. Some of them are really crazy which you can enjoy, but if you are serious about building muscle without gym by only push-ups stretch up your body. Some push-up types will target different muscles in your upper body core and some will work on your chest and buts.

Here are Ten types of push-ups types that I perform when I get bored from the gym.

Diamond push-up

Diamond push-up
All newbies focus and do all efforts o build biceps, so I suggest you to start focusing on the backside of your arms. But keep in mind keep a balance, don't overload because this muscle groups is much smaller and cannot handle more weight and may cause injuries. So it's better to build muscle with pushups rather than weights.

To perform a diamond push-up, place your hands on the floor in front of your chest with your fingers and thumbs pressed together to form a diamond shape. Your legs should be extended straight behind you, as with any push-up. Lower your chest to the floor, then press yourself back into the starting position.

Spiderman push-up

For building chest and arm muscles, this move is very important. These muscles are forced to work harder because it involves the movement of legs and shifts the weights to different areas. Men’s Fitness says this variation is like doing a crunch and a push-up at the same time.

For doing spiderman push-ups start in the standard push-up position, keep your hands planted firmly in front of your shoulders. As you go low to the floor, lift your right foot up and swing your knees to your right elbow. As you go back swing your leg back to starting position.

Clap push-up

According to Men’s Fitness clap-push-ups help to build explosive power when you are developing pectorals. Working on this group of muscles will strengthen chest and shoulders. It also reduces the risk of injury because all is to build muscle with pushups and not by weights.

It is s really difficult for me to explain this move via writing so see video below to perform this move properly. To build muscle with pushups.

Alternating hand and single leg push-up

This move helps to target your serratus anterior, a muscle that’s critical for maintaining proper posture. 
To do this start with plank position, with your hand in front of your shoulders. Start moving your left hand some inches from your right hand and lift your right leg up in the air. You must keep your ore tight and right leg steady, lower your chest to floor. Push yourself back and repeat it.

Push-up jack

Push-up jack

If you are working to build muscle with pushups never forget this workout. Time-crunched people frequently have trouble puzzling out if they are better off accompanying cardio or strength training, yet you truly need to incorporate both into your routine. Rather than selecting one or the other, look to moves like this intense push-up alternate that combines the two. Begin in the same plank position as you'd for a normal push-up. As you bring down your chest to the floor, jump your legs as wide as you can out to the sides. As you raise yourself back to the beginning position, jump your legs back collectively. Check out Very well for a diagram that illustrates the proper technique or check video below.

Feet elevated push-up

Feet elevated push-up

When you feel that standard push-ups start to get too easy, raising your feet higher will provide more of a challenge. performing this move is very similar to an incline bench press, so it’s a good choice for days when you can’t make it to the gym. To perform this exercise, you’ll need some sort of object that will raise your feel about 12 inches off the ground. From there, lower yourself into the regular push-up starting position. Keeping your forearms vertical, lower your chest to the ground, then return to the starting position.

Atomic push-ups

You do not require to force yourself to a meltdown to get through a set of atomic push-ups, but it may happen disregarding. Atomic push-ups add up a different level of complexness to the mix by having you hang your feet from a couple of straps, and doing the push-up. It is actually not all that complex — the alone twist that is been thrown into the blend is that your feet are in the straps, putting more weight on your upper-body.

Single-arm raised push-up

Whenever you actually prefer to throw a challenge into the blend, attempt exercising push-ups while keeping one arm raised outright ahead of you. You have likely attempted a one-handed push-up earlier, but you will commonly put the unused hand behind your back. Try holding it straight out in front of you as you go up and down. It will cause you to redistribute your weight and balance, while also doing a one-handed push-up — a challenge all on its own.

Pike push-up

Pike push-up

If you truly wish to get crazy, you can try out the pike push-up. This exercise is really meant to target your shoulders rather than your chest and needs that you assume a near-headstand position. You can really think of it as doing a push-up in the headstand position, though it can be performed with your lower body folded toward the floor. The goal is to build strength so that you can eventually do a headstand push-up and be the envy of all your friends.

Pseudo planche

The pseudo planche is often thought of as the most difficult push-up fluctuation you are able to exercise. It needs that you shift your hands and straighten your arms, when a few people bend their hands about 180 degrees so that your fingers point towards your feet. It may not look like more, but after you give it a shot, you’ll see what makes it so hard — you are engaging muscles you do not often utilise, and adding balance into the blend.

Ultimately, many people hope to be able to get their lower body completely off of the ground; You end up balancing completely on your hands and then performing the push-up. It’s incredibly difficult, and most people have enough trouble just holding themselves up in the air let alone performing the push-up.


The last piece of the puzzle is to rebuild the muscle that you damaged when exercising push-ups. In order to regain and build fresh muscle tissue, you need to eat protein. A 2004 study published in Nutrition 00100-5/abstract) suggests that you do not need much -- only 12 to 15 percent of your calories for the day need to come from protein in order to get the muscle-building benefits. Combining your push-up workout with proper nutrition will help you gain muscle mass in the main areas that the push-up works -- the chest, shoulders and triceps. So this was the guide to build muscle with pushups.

Monday, May 8, 2017


Is it achievable for me to recover the body once in my young age I had and build muscle over 40? You can, but you'll have to just work smartly. Here is a perfect training program for a best over-40 body.
So you have hit the age of 40 and your life is starting to make your shape rough, and your body is starting to ache. In the early days, you once had is now beginning to dwindle. You ask yourself, "Is it possible for me to regain the body I once had and put on some muscle at my age?" The simple answer is you can build muscle over 40.

TRAINING AND WORKOUT To Build Muscle Over 40

As your age increases, your body is less protected to trauma, therefore, a lot of things need to be changed in your training:
Always warm up for at least fifteen mins on a piece of cardio equipment before lifting weights. This will raise your internal temperature and maintains the blood flow for the workout you perform.

Read Also 5 Easy Ways To Build Muscle After 50

Always keep repetition range from moderate to high, 8-12 rep for upper body exercises and 12-20 rep for lower body exercises. If you lift heavy weights they will put much stress on the joints and ligaments. I suggest you use moderate weight in the rep ranges named above. This will energize your muscles adequate for new development.
Always lift a combination of exercising weights and machines. As a young person, your body is capable of using a lot more weight exercises but as you age your stabilizer muscles begin to weaken which can lead your ligaments and tendons to the danger of injury. Utilizing machine decreases this risk.
Your exercises form and posture needs to be perfect. Your body does not have the forgiveness of youth anymore so using poor form can easily result in injury.
Recovery time is a little longer so rest and recovery are critical; fewer days in the gym is going to be a must.
Those are some basic pointers you should look out for. Below is a sample workout program for a beginner lifter over the age of 40. This is a 3-day full-body workout program.

DAY 1:

Smith Machine Squats: 3 sets of 12 reps
Lying Leg Curl: 2 sets of 15 reps
Standing Calf Raise: 2 sets of 15 reps
Barbell Bench Press: 3 sets of 8-12 reps
Lat Pulldown: 3 sets of 8-12 reps
Machine Shoulder Press: 3 sets of 8-12 reps
Triceps Rope Pushdown: 2 sets of 8-12 reps
Barbell Curl: 2 sets of 8-12 rep


DAY 3:
Leg Press: 5 sets of 20 reps
Seated Calf Raise: 2 sets of 15 reps
Incline Dumbbell Press: 3 sets of 8-12 reps
Seated Cable Row: 3 sets of 8-12 reps
Dumbbell Side Laterals: 3 sets of 8-12 reps
Triceps Dip Machine: 2 sets of 8-12 reps
Machine Preacher Curl: 2 sets of 8-12 reps

DAY 5:
Barbell Squat: 3 sets of 12 reps
Seated Leg Curl: 2 sets of 12 reps
Standing Calf Raise: 2 sets of 15 reps
Machine Bench Press: 3 sets of 8-12 reps
One-Arm Dumbbell Row: 3 sets of 8-12 reps
Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 3 sets of 8-12 reps
Lying Triceps Extensions: 2 sets of 8-12 reps
Alternating Dumbbell Curls: 2 sets of 8-12 reps


Here are some cardio tips to build muscle over 40. Cardio is very important for anyone in the age of forty for many reasons. Once you reach at the age of 40 your metabolism is not as fast as it was earlier, then daily bursts of cardio will keep your body fat in check. Secondly and most crucial is your heart is at its half life and keeping it strong and in anatomy will help you live a long and fruitful life.
I suggest you stick to 3-4, 20-30 min low-intensity cardio sessions a week. This means walking or light jogging. I would stay away from any kinda running as these can be very straining on the knees and joints.
If you were a runner in your youth, again start with the low-intensity bouts of cardio for the first month. After that, running once or twice a week on the treadmill or rubber track is fine. I would stay away from pavement as it is very unforgiving to the knees at any age. Remember, living a long and fruitful life always comes first and without a strong heart that can't be done.


As I have discussed earlier when you are trying to build muscle over 40. Your metabolism rate is slow. So the nutrition will also change as compared to your youth. Here I will suggest you the diet which will maximize muscle gain and minimize fat gain.
One big issue is cholesterol for many people over the age of 40. So I will take care of that too.


  • 5 Egg Whites
  • 1 Whole Egg
  • 3/4 Cup Of Oatmeal


  • 2 Scoops Of Protein Powder
  • 1 Tablespoon Of Natural Peanut Butter
  • 1 Oz Of Almonds


  • 5 Oz Of Chicken Breast
  • 1 Cup Of Brown Rice


  • 5 Oz Of Chicken Breast
  • 2 Oz Of Whole Wheat Pasta


  • 2 Scoops Of Protein Powder
  • 2 Bananas


  • 6 Oz Of Top Round Steak
  • 1 Tablespoon Of Olive Oil
  • 1 Oz Of Pecans


  • Protein Powder: I use Isobolic by Nutrabolics, it's a very high-quality protein powder.
  • Glutamine: Helps with recovery. Take 5 grams with meals 1, 4, 5, and 6.
  • Test Booster: A quality test booster like Hemostat from Nutrabolics promotes already healthy testosterone levels.
  • Multivitamin: A high-quality multivitamin/mineral will help you get all the nutrients you don't receive from your diet. Vitabolic is what I use.


Preparation is going to be critical. Making all your meals the night before is something you should consider to help conserve time. Bringing your meals to work will be a must, but what happens when you have a luncheon or big business dinner with clients?
Don't fret, use your common sense. Order something that is similar to what you normally eat. Remember, life can not be restricted to chicken and rice, you can stray from the diet and still see results. Just don't make a habit of it.


There you have it. No more excuses about being over the hill. You have all the pieces to the puzzle to increase your muscle mass after the age of 40.
